So you want to work from home or from a rented office as a professional freelance copywriter$%:
Are you a beginning copywriter just starting out$%: Do you understand how to create killer copy that will make your client's mouths water and your reader spend his money$%: Are you wondering what the next step is$%:
Are you wondering...
What to do next$%:
It's simple. You need to have copywriting samples to show to your prospects.
And this dilemma can seem overhwelming. Some people (not us of course) reach this point and figure they'll never get a paying copywriting job for this very reason.
There are ways around this obstacle.
The key to creating a winning portfolio that will land you copywriting work is to create a portfolio full of speculative ads. Spec ads are ads you've written yourself.
Take a moment and try this exercise. Sit back for a moment and look around the room you're sitting in now.
What are the things that you see around you$%: Your lamp, computer, desk, phone, your shirt, paper, golf clubs, pictures on the walls, etc.
Do this: Write an ad for one of the things you see around you. Write this ad about the company that produced whatever you're going to write about. This is called a SPEC AD. It's an add you write that no one hired you for but shows off your abilities as a copywriter.
SPEC ADS show a potential client/employer what your talents are. It's a great way to show off your abilities without actually having a published piece of work.
You can also look through magazines and pick out an ad. Rewrite the ad and improve on the aspects of that ad you find to be weak. Write it the way you would write it as if the company had actually hired you to rewrite it. Don't just throw something together because you're not getting paid. Handle it as if you were making big bucks because if you do it correctly then it will be your key to actually doing so.
In your portfolio that you will be putting together later, you'll want to highlite this rewrite. Divide the page in your portfolio so you can put your SPEC AD on one side and the original ad on the other. This is a great way to compare and contrast your rewrite and explain how and why you made certain, specific changes. Be bold and confident and explain why your ad is better and why and how it is a more effective advertisement.
When shopping your work around remember that smaller agencies are usually more receptive to a portfolio containing many SPEC ADS. Because of this you shouldn't rule out smaller agencies in your search for freelance work. And also smaller agencies are more likely to hire a freelance copywriter because they won't have the big budget to keep full time copywriters on staff. The small agencies offer excellent opportunities to build your portfolio with real work.
Also when prospecting for work never rule out tv and radio stations or a large business with it's own in-house ad agency. They all may have copywriters on staff but their copywriters may be overloaded with work and therefore some would be available to you.
Always research the agency you are going to submit your work to. If you have the time and energy try to include at least one type of SPEC AD that mirrors the type of work the agency you are prospecting handles. This will put you head and shoulders above other freelancers who just submit a portfolio filled with random, irrelevant copy.
When searching for freelance copywriting work, especially if you have no experience and no work to build a portfolio with, you will have to rely on SPEC ADs to showcase your abilities as a copywriter.
And always, always maintain a positive attitude because no matter how great your work is, you are still selling yourself. No one wants to hire a sour puss or a prima donna. Be open, available, reliable, and courteous as these traits will sell your services almost as well as your talent will.